Pension Insurance Corporation (PIC) has increased its allocated funds to social housing by purchasing £72m of bonds from Salford City Council.
Full implementation of the government's National Infrastructure Plan and a major shift in the understanding of scheme requirements could boost GDP by £400bn, research reveals.
The Treasury's drive to attract pension fund investment in infrastructure projects could see the bill fall heavily on the taxpayer, MPs have warned.
Taxpayers could be exposed to substantial losses from government guarantees on infrastructure projects designed to attract investors like pension funds, the National Audit Office warns.
Jonathan Stapleton on why NIP may not be the ‘slam dunk’ opportunity pensions funds need
Pension funds could be the key to unlocking private finance investment in UK infrastructure, Prime Minister David Cameron says.
A third of infrastructure investors believe the government will fail to attract pension fund investment for ambitious projects such as an overhaul of British roads, a survey reveals.
A group of lawyers and investment consultants working on a service to aid £0.5bn of institutional infrastructure investment denies it is competing with the government's Pension Infrastructure Platform.
EU plans to harmonise the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision directive with Solvency II capital requirements could dent the government's infrastructure ambitions, a Treasury minister says.
The government National Infrastructure Plan looks like a perfect investment fit for pension funds. Lynn Strongin Dodds examines the opportunities and the risks.