It is inevitable large numbers of very small NEST pension pots will remain unclaimed by people who are auto-enrolled, Lawrence Churchill admits.
Communicating to member groups of more than 50,000 at a time could save defined contribution schemes as much as £48 per member, delegates heard
Lord Hutton has asked government to look at the discount rate used to value public sector pensions as he believes it is too high.
Legislation allowing trustees to override RPI written in the trust deed and switch to CPI would not be in members' best interests, delegates heard.
It is possible to run career average 1 / 120th schemes at a similar cost to what is on offer from NEST, delegates heard.
UK schemes should seriously consider outsourcing scheme governance structures and investment policies in a similar vein to the Dutch model, delegates heard.
Social media sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn could prove a powerful tool in increasing member engagement.
Employers need to place emphasis on savings rather than pensions if they are to raise participation levels in their benefit packages.
It is inevitable pension legislation across the European member states will become more harmonised in spite of reluctance from some countries, delegates heard.
The industry "won't be in suspense much longer" over NEST, Steve Webb told delegates.