BoE scenario analysis launched in response to LDI and gilts crisis following 2022 Mini Budget
PPF CEO speaks to Martin Richmond about the LDI crisis, the levy consultation and ongoing risks for DB schemes
Barnett Waddingham finds total CETVs in Q3 were 80% lower than pre-pandemic levels
Joe Dabrowski says a year after the gilt market volatility, DB schemes are in strong health
Joe Midmore asks if schemes could still be exposed to sudden spikes in margin
Poll finds 42% were in surplus, 30% in deficit and 12% with a mixture over the last six months
RSM says DB savers should be protected from potential reversing surpluses
Swathes of support for WPC report into DB schemes with LDIs
Report outlines a ‘missed opportunity’ to improve resilience
Up 0.38 percentage points to 4.85%