PPF CEO speaks to Martin Richmond about the LDI crisis, the levy consultation and ongoing risks for DB schemes
Barnett Waddingham finds total CETVs in Q3 were 80% lower than pre-pandemic levels
Joe Dabrowski says a year after the gilt market volatility, DB schemes are in strong health
Joe Midmore asks if schemes could still be exposed to sudden spikes in margin
Poll finds 42% were in surplus, 30% in deficit and 12% with a mixture over the last six months
RSM says DB savers should be protected from potential reversing surpluses
Swathes of support for WPC report into DB schemes with LDIs
Report outlines a ‘missed opportunity’ to improve resilience
Up 0.38 percentage points to 4.85%
Savers have seen highest rates since December after BoE raised interest rate to 4.5% in May