Smart Pension is set to take on all members and employers of the Welplan Pensions Master Trust, following its closure last year.
Fujitsu Pension Scheme has moved its defined contribution (DC) members into Willis Towers Watson’s LifeSight master trust, passing on full responsibility for the management of its members’ pension provisions.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) is now enabling members of its Defined Contribution Investment Builder master trust to access private markets investments.
The HSBC Master Trust has become the first new master trust to be authorised by The Pensions Regulator (TPR), after having applied after the regime kicked off.
Professional Pensions has compiled a list charting the progress of master trust authorisation. View our list in full here...
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) is planning to set up a defined contribution (DC) pension arrangement to provide future benefits for current employees and new joiners through auto-enrolment (AE).
Ten master trusts will pay at least 25% of the total general levy despite holding just 2% of assets, according to The People’s Pension (TPP).
The Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA) has published its first batch of guidance on defined contribution (DC) master trust transition, as further consolidation is expected.
Now authorisation has ended for existing schemes, Kim Kaveh reflects on the process and asks what the future holds for ongoing supervision.
The master trust market now represents 16 million memberships and holds more than £36bn in assets, The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) final master trust market update reveals.