The government is the biggest rival annuity providers face in delivering retirement income products to consumers, according to Barnett Waddingham.
Tax relief on pensions will be further restricted and a future government could consider the nationalisation of NEST and PPF assets, a panel of experts believes.
Creating a centralised database of member information will help the industry deliver effective guidance to pensioners according to B&CE chief executive Patrick Heath-Lay.
Almost half of Britons below retirement age had no pension savings in the years 2010-2012, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed.
Questions about retirement planning were far and away the most common reason for calling The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) last year.
Online register idea touted as ‘win-win’
Industry leaders discuss how the government's guidance guarantee should work
Malcolm McLean predicts politicians will target tax relief ahead of the general election
Last year saw a big increase in the number of people attempting to find lost pension pots through the government's Pension Tracing Service, according to official statistics.
Natasha Browne looks at the cost of the state pension in decades to come