Defined contribution schemes are lagging behind defined benefit plans on governance, but 96% of schemes believe their trustee boards are governing effectively or very effectively, research shows
The Pensions Regulator has published a five-step guide to help trustees of smaller schemes raise administration standards.
PP speaks to TPR executive director June Mulroy about admin
June Mulroy explains why the industry must get it right on admin
The Pensions Regulator and the National Insurance Services to the Pensions Industry have joined forces to help schemes bring down the cost and duration of winding up.
A fifth of trustees never meet with their administrator and are failing in their duty to monitor scheme data quality, The Pensions Regulator says.
The Pensions Regulator has launched an education drive to highlight the importance of administration in enabling good outcomes from pensions saving.
The Pensions Regulator has overhauled its senior management team and their responsibilities to give defined contribution and auto-enrolment greater importance.
The Pensions Regulator has appointed more than 600 independent trustees to troubled pension schemes over the past two years.
TPR business delivery director June Mulroy explains why it is taking so long for some schemes to wind up