Hitachi Consulting has appointed JLT Benefit Solutions to manage its employee benefits on the consultant's BenPal platform.
Three Co-operative Group pension schemes have awarded diversified growth mandates to RCM.
Employers must formalise their flexible retirement policies ahead of the abolition of the default retirement age or risk breaching age discrimination laws, JLT Benefit Solutions warns.
The £4.6bn Merseyside Pension Fund has appointed four new asset managers to run its Asia-Pacific and emerging market portfolios following a review.
Employee benefits provider Vebnet has hired Simon Binney as client account director from rival JLT.
Defined contribution pension communications would be more efficient if implemented to more than 50,000 members at a time, according to a research paper.
Almost 45% of schemes have failed to conduct a review of their member data in the last two years, JLT Benefit Solutions says.
The number of FTSE 250 companies providing final salary benefits to a large number of employees has fallen to just 15, Pension Capital Strategies says.
Paternoster has been put up for sale, with its original backers facing the loss of more than half their £500m equity investment.
UK - Paternoster has been put up for sale, with its original backers facing the loss of more than half their £500m equity investment, according to reports.