Rapidly evolving threats mean importance of having protections has never been greater
“Not a matter of if, but when” for schemes to be targeted by cyber criminals
Checklist aims to help administrators increase anti-cybercrime resilience
Guidance published on pre-employment checks for administrators
Jim Gee explores the cybercrime developments for the industry to look out for
Guidance comes in a bid to tackle an issue which is estimated to cost the sector over £6bn a year
Guide explains the nature and extent of the problem and outlines how trustees can manage the risks
The Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA) has launched its cybercrime guidance for pension administrators.
The Pensions Research Accountants Group (PRAG) has published updated guidance to help trustees protect their schemes from cybercrime.
Schemes and administrators have been urged to strengthen their cybercrime resilience after heightened criminal interest in the sector.