The Treasury will net an extra £700m in tax this year as a result of the pensions freedom and choice reforms, Hargreaves Lansdown has projected.
Childcare voucher providers have won a two-year stay of execution with schemes remaining open following a delay to the government's tax-free childcare programme.
UK retirees will suffer if 'freedom and choice' causes the collapse of the annuity market, says Tor Financial managing director David Harris.
The Treasury will consider imposing a charge cap for when people access their pension freedoms in a consultation to be launched next month.
Steve Webb has warned that the Conservative government may target the £15bn salary sacrifice bill in its July emergency Budget.
Steve Webb has warned that the Conservative government may target the £15bn salary sacrifice bill in its July emergency Budget.
Trustees have been warned of the complexity surrounding additional information disclosure regulations drawn up for the freedom and choice reforms.
Top stories this week include a call to ban DB to DC transfers, criticism for Now Pensions and lots of helpful stuff on 'freedom and choice'. Here's what you might have missed.
HM Treasury has "no plans" to changes the valuation factor currently used to test DB benefits against the lifetime allowance despite growing calls for a review, PP reveals.
The next government could save £835m in 2016-17 from pension changes announced in today's Budget according to HM Treasury.