A suite of liability driven investment (LDI) indices has been launched by STOXX and RiskFirst to aid trustees and consultants select, monitor and challenge managers.
Harus Rai looks at how The Pensions Regulator's work to improve scheme governance has an impact on smaller schemes.
Dan Brocklebank says the FCA's proposed solution to address conflicts of interests at asset managers does not go far enough
Redington has launched an investment governance service to help trustees receive "honest feedback" after many said they rarely see such comments from consultants.
The Dutch custodian bank is launching a dedicated financial technology team to build innovative and unique data solutions to improve pension scheme governance, PP can reveal.
The government's white paper on defined benefit (DB) sustainability may include a heavy focus on scheme consolidation, benefit simplification and The Pensions Regulator's (TPR) powers, a senior civil servant has hinted.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has launched a campaign to boost standards of governance across all schemes.
Schroders has launched a global multi-factor equity fund for defined contribution (DC) schemes in a bid to provide an investment strategy which targets consistent outperformance in a risk-controlled way.
Good pension scheme governance relies on the skills, diversity and knowledge of the trustees, the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) has argued.
Good stewardship is key to maximising long-term shareholder value, as Dan Brocklebank explains