State pension reform plans are set to heap extra cost burdens on public sector worker contributions, hitting scheme members with a "double whammy" of additional pension tax, analysts warn.
Union bosses have accused Remploy of planning to wind-up its defined benefit scheme after documents suggested trustees were seeking to pay off its deficit.
RMT will join other unions, including GMB, Unite and Unison, in balloting for strike action over changes to public sector pensions.
Trade unions have proposed a "tramway" system for the public sector pension cost envelope which would give a two per cent leeway either side of fixed costs.
Trade unions this morning declared war on government pension policy after three of the country's biggest unions confirmed 1.65 million workers would move to strike in November over public sector pensions.
A 12-week government consultation to save £900m from the LGPS will launch at the end of September even though plans on how to achieve the savings are still to be agreed.
Unions have walked away from a consultation by Unilever on plans to move all final salary members into career average, making strike action at the firm "very likely", an official says.
Unions and local councils are on collision course with central government after sources revealed officials were set to miss the September deadline to deliver LGPS reform proposals.
A British Gas pension scheme is set to cap pensionable pay for its existing member after trade union negotiators recommended members accept proposals.
London-based employers in the Local Government Pension Scheme are paying up to 100% more in contributions compared to funds outside the capital, official statistics show.