One of the UK's largest unions, Unite, has pulled out of Local Government Pension Scheme talks, risking a split between unions over proposed reforms.
Unilever workers will stage ten days of strike action this month after the firm pushed ahead with plans close its final salary pensions and replace it with career average.
Unions and local government employers will meet early next week to kick off three months' of intense talks designed to produce a new Local Government Pension Scheme.
Here it is. The joint statement by the LGA, LGA Workforce Board, Unison, GMB and Unite in full.
Government and unions have reached agreement on reforms to the Local Government Pension Scheme following emergency talks yesterday afternoon.
Local Government Pension Scheme reforms are in disarray after union bosses withdrew their agreement following a last minute policy shift by government on employer contribution rates.
Ministers have outlined their plans for the future of the local government pension scheme after employers and unions brokered a framework agreement on how to implement Lord Hutton's reforms.
Food giant Unilever has been labelled a "modern day Scrooge" after it withdrew the offer of a £15 Sainsbury's Christmas voucher for workers protesting changes to their pensions.
Andrew Short looks at the number of threats to the cashflows of the Local Government Pension Scheme
More than half of Local Government Pension Scheme members, nearly two million people, will opt-out if government increases employee contributions, union research says.