Michael Klimes explores what practical steps schemes can take to protect members from hacking and identity fraud
Boards should assign responsibility to coordinate and develop their scheme's cyber security policy to one particular trustee, according to Anish Rav.
Trustees are being urged to push their sponsoring employers for better cyber security protocols after a government study found many do not have comprehensive action plans.
Industry says as professionals, punishment should be given due to their level of expertise.
This week we want to know if it is correct to define professional trustees as those who promote themselves as having expertise in trustee matters to schemes they have no connection with.
The government will introduce a new bill to implement the European Union's (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into British law, it has announced.
The industry should consider the creation of a pilot dashboard to test any problems before the real one goes live in 2019 says Margaret Snowdon.
Michael Klimes examines how a gap in scheme data could shape the development of the dashboard.
Brexit is unlikely to water down tougher European Union (EU) data standard requirements for UK trustees, according to a legal expert.