The Pensions Bill could remove the need for formal section 143 Pension Protection Fund valuations, a consultant says.
Uniq is still in "detailed" discussion with The Pensions Regulator and the Pension Protection Fund over handing 90% of its equity to its scheme trustees, it has confirmed.
The top 100 UK firms' defined benefit schemes knocked £42bn off their combined deficit over the last year, Pension Capital Strategies research shows.
Balfour Beatty has agreed a recovery plan with trustees to eliminate defined benefit scheme's £432m deficit over the next eight years.
DENMARK - The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority plans to release mortality benchmarks in the coming days which will be used to help calculate pension liabilities.
The combined deficit of the 200 largest UK private sector final salary schemes is at its lowest level since September last year, Aon Hewitt says.
UK - BT will reduce its scheme liabilities by £2.9bn ($4.7bn) after the government's decision to use Consumer Prices Index to measure inflation, an actuarial review shows.
UK - The Pension Protection Fund has recorded a £400m ($641.5m) surplus, compared with a £1.2bn deficit the year before, figures published today reveal.
The Pension Protection Fund has recorded a £400m surplus, compared with a £1.2bn deficit the year before, figures published today reveal
Uniq and the pension scheme trustees have come up with a revised funding agreement that could see 90% of the company's equity handed to the trustees.