Willis Towers Watson's fiduciary clients have seen funding levels improve by 23.1 percentage points over the last 10 years, according to its latest performance figures.
Funding standards for DB schemes have increased exponentially over the past decades. Con Keating says such significant overstatement of liabilities will lead to pushback through the courts.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has warned sponsors against prioritising dividend payments over contributions where there is a significant scheme deficit.
Altaf Kassam looks at how schemes can make their growth portfolio work harder
IAS 19 is the accounting standard many sponsors use to make disclosures about their defined benefit schemes in their records. But a report from Lincoln Pensions argues IAS 19 is not good enough. Michael Klimes investigates.
The cost and size of pension deficits are increasing which has consequences for trustees, company directors and shareholders. Michael Klimes asks if investors are starting to worry.
Hilary Salt is pleased to see people are starting to revisit the idea of how best to fund schemes
Majority of people believe Brexit is a bad decision for UK according to PP research.
Defined benefit (DB) scheme liabilities are likely to rise after 10-year gilt yields fell below 1% today for the first time ever following last week's Brexit vote.
CH2M has announced proposed plans to curb benefits for the 3,300 members of the beleaguered Halcrow Pension Scheme (HPS).