Almost every defined benefit plan in the UK has plans to reduce or axe current provisions in the future, a PricewaterhouseCoopers survey reveals.
UK - Almost every defined benefit plan in the UK has plans to reduce or axe current provisions in the future, a PricewaterhouseCoopers survey revealed.
Advice given to scheme members on enhanced transfer values should be fully independent and paid for by the employer, Prudential says.
The Pensions Regulator's hardline stance on enhanced transfer value exercises could leave trustees vulnerable to legal action should an employer fail, a lawyer warns.
Tom Selby previews the March 11 edition of Professional Pensions.
Tom Selby looks at enhanced transfer value (ETV) exercises and asks why so many industry experts are opposed to them
The number of firms giving members the chance to take pension increase offers is set to rise significantly this year, a consultant says.
The Pensions Regulator has highlighted the risks that transfer incentive exercises pose to members and will be putting them under greater scrutiny.
Trustees should not get involved in the enhanced transfer value process and have no legal obligation to do so, Hammonds partner Fraser Sparks says.
Although the buyout market is showing signs of recovery, Sebastian Cheek explains that its expense still forces many DB schemes to seek alternative ways of removing risk from their balance sheets