Trustees involved in an enhanced transfer exercise must start from the presumption it is not in the best interests of members, The Pensions Regulator confirms.
A new industry body has been created to set the standards for independent financial advisers working on member transfer incentive exercises.
The Pensions Regulator has reinforced its concern employers are placing excessive pressure on members over enhanced transfer value exercises, outgoing chairman David Norgrove says.
The future of enhanced transfer value exercises has been secured after the government abandoned plans to ban transfers from contracted out defined benefit schemes.
As longevity expectations continue to rise, Laura Blows explores the options available to counter this and the move towards standardisation of the longevity hedge market
It is wrong and "possibly illegal" for trustees to fully embrace The Pensions Regulator's stance on enhanced transfer value exercises, Raj Mody says.
As schemes increasingly look to derisk, Laura Blows discovers how greater trustee engagement is changing the nature of LDI strategies
Regulator guidance on enhanced transfer value exercises could force trustees and sponsoring employers to collude on offer terms to meet compliance standards, Mercer say.
Dear Editor, Anne-Marie Winton seems to be surprised at the court ruling that the trustees were liable to Ms Brahja for a survivor's pension....
CBI warns that Pensions Regulator statements are endangering the market