Research finds over a third of workers aged 50 to 59 fear running out of money in retirement
TPR will hold roundtables on decumulation principles early next year
Those with lower levels of wealth more likely to choose CDC, study from Aon and Aegon finds
Many members taking transfers cite the lack of flexibilities within their existing scheme
Retirees who are shunning annuities face a huge variety of product options, charges and investment performance when going down the investment pathway route and need to do more to 'look under the bonnet' before making a selection, LCP research finds.
The 4% rule of thumb often used to define a sustainable approach for drawdown in retirement is no longer fit for purpose due to prevailing and sustained market conditions, says Lane Clark & Peacock (LCP).
Members of Phoenix’s defined contribution (DC) master trust will be allowed to access their pension savings via in-scheme drawdown.
Without proper support from pension professionals, savers are left vulnerable to attacks on all sides, says Henry Tapper.
Defined contribution (DC) drawdown providers will have to offer non-advised consumers investment pathways from August 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) says.
Smart Pension will roll out an online financial well-being application to help members make decisions about their money in Q1 next year.