Defined benefit (DB) scheme trustees are spending too much time focusing on how well funded their schemes are, River and Mercantile Derivatives says.
Defined benefit (DB) schemes are facing fresh challenges around dividends and de-risking as they reach fully-funded status, according to Aon.
De La Rue's defined benefit (DB) pension scheme gained £80.5m after swapping the index used to revalue benefits, but lost £0.5m to rectify discrepancies identified in the scheme's rules.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has set out plans to use "new regulatory initiatives" with over 1,000 schemes as it aims to tighten its regulatory grip and boost member outcomes.
The combined funding level of the UK's 5,450 defined benefit (DB) schemes increased by 60 basis points (bps) over January, latest Pension Protection Fund (PPF) data reveals.
A number of pension schemes have been prompted to lock in gains with a move into bonds after the estimated deficit across FTSE 100 DB pension schemes improved by £36bn, over the 12 months ending 30 June last year, JLT Employment Benefits found.
Headline dividend payments have reached record levels in 2018. James Phillips asks if trustees should be concerned over the current high level of yields.
Employers whose dividend to deficit recovery contribution (DRCs) ratios fall outside the "normal range" should expect to see higher regulatory scrutiny, although no fixed ratio will be set.
The combined deficit of the UK's defined benefit (DB) pension schemes fell 15% to £105bn on an accounting basis during February, JLT Employee Benefits analysis reveals.
Universities UK (UUK) has proposed ending future accrual of defined benefit (DB) promises and transferring members to the existing defined contribution (DC) plan.