Nearly 60% of UK employers consider defined contribution (DC) master trusts to be the "most suitable" pension fund for their employees, according to research by Buck.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has launched a pilot to ensure single-employer defined contribution (DC) schemes are meeting their legal obligations and properly governing default arrangements.
In Newton Investment Management's latest DC column, Curt Custard looks at how to increase multigenerational engagement with pensions
The John Lewis Partnership has announced plans to close the defined benefit (DB) section of its combined pension scheme.
For too long, ESG has been talked about as if it were something outside our main investment process. Jonathan Stapleton says this must change.
Catherine Doyle continues Newton Investment Management's series of DC columns with a look at inflationary and deflationary risk
The lifetime allowance should be scrapped and replaced with a lower annual allowance, last week's Pensions Buzz respondents said.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is focusing on reducing the number of "poorly-run" schemes as it seeks to improve standards across the board.
Mobius Life has been appointed by River and Mercantile (R&M) as an investment-only platform and administrator for its defined contribution (DC) fiduciary management pension scheme clients.
UTV - the Ulster-based subsidiary of ITV - is planning to close its pension scheme to future accrual in a move it says is necessary to be fair to all employees.