The quality and availability of data is the “weakest link” for the pensions dashboard, according to the Society of Pension Professionals (SPP).
Employers are increasingly concerned about the costs and complexity associated with equalising guaranteed minimum pensions (GMPs), according to the Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA).
Schemes with poor record keeping should be handed harsher punishments, say the majority of this week’s 83 Pensions Buzz respondents.
The cross-industry GMP Equalisation Working Group has published guidance outlining methods schemes could use to equalise for the sex based inequalities of GMPs.
Over three quarters (78%) of defined contribution (DC) members feel their pension scheme is not aligned with their values, latest research by Franklin Templeton shows.
Guaranteed minimum pension (GMP) equalisation has soared to the top of pension schemes' to-do lists, with 58% stating it is a priority project, research from Equiniti has revealed.
Professional Pensions is holding its defined contribution (DC) conference on 4 September.
This year's survey reveals how schemes assess the efficiency of TPAs and ranks the key providers. Holly Roach reports
The industry-wide GMP equalisation group has created five sub-committees to each work on a key component of the guidance. Holly Roach reports
Trustee boards are not focusing enough on data issues despite the bad effect poor data can have on members, according to a PMI roundtable in May. Holly Roach reports