Mortality was nearly 4% lower in 2024 compared to the previous year
Cumulative mortality rates 3.5% lower than 2023 but 2% above the ten-year average for ages 20 to 44
H1 2024 data shows similar mortality data to H1 2019, and rates are 3.4% lower than 2023
Fall in life expectancy ‘inevitable’ unless changes to the CMI model are made
Cumulative mortality rates 2.9% lower than last year but higher for working age adults
Hymans Robertson finds CMI model update could mean 3% reduction in liabilities
Life expectancy assumptions will remain broadly the same as result of annual update
Excess deaths in 2023 were the lowest measured of any year following the pandemic
Post-pandemic mortality continues to be in excess for the working age population, according to OHID paper
CMI finds England and Wales had ninth highest excess mortality of 24 territories analysed