Phased launch of free childcare could help close gender pensions gap, commentators say
HM Revenue and Customs has issued a ten point guide to the incoming Tax-Free Childcare scheme.
The chancellor has cut eligibility for free childcare and tax-free childcare to families earning less than £100,000 and parents working more than 16 hours a week.
Three in five (61%) adults fear they will not be able to pay the bills if they become ill with cancer.
The soaring cost of childcare and its increasing scarcity is preventing millions of parents from working and hitting some industries particularly hard.
The government's tax-free childcare programme has been delayed until 2017. Professor Chris Rowley examines the regimes being introduced and still available.
Childcare voucher providers have won a two-year stay of execution with schemes remaining open following a delay to the government's tax-free childcare programme.
Voucher providers will not be appealing further a Supreme Court ruling that threw-out their challenge to the government's tax-free childcare (TFC) scheme.
Employers helping staff achieve a good work-life balance earn 27% more per year from each employee, research reveals.
Finding and maintaining affordable childcare is restricting parents' working lives, according to Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).