Lobby group ShareAction has urged policymakers to stop imposing "heavy-handed" regulation after its research has found the UK pensions sector is "creaking".
A group of investors including two UK schemes have urged Shell to drop its membership from a US lobby group accused of being obstructive on climate policy.
The government must rein in pension promises, or find the funds to back them as the state's unfunded liabilities approach £6trn, argues the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS).
Some asset managers are failing to use their voting rights to properly steward pension assets and are not being sufficiently transparent, according to a report by ShareAction.
ShareAction’s Catherine Howarth on shareholder resolutions
ShareAction reveals the top and bottom performers
Shell has told its shareholders to support a resolution brought against the company to force it to disclose risks associated with climate change.
A group of more than 150 shareholders including 13 UK public schemes have filed resolutions to force BP and Shell to disclose risks associated with climate change.
Giving savers rights to probe pension funds on specific details of investments would be an "undue burden" on schemes, according to the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF).
Lord German has called for pension scheme trustees to account to members for "all actions taken in the performance of their investment functions".