This year’s survey reveals what schemes are looking for in administration systems and third-party administrators and highlights the key providers.
Trustees looking to understand what can go wrong with data transfers should read the NAO's report on the civil service Michael Klimes finds
A series of system and communication errors led to delayed pension payments to civil servants after administration was moved to MyCSP, a National Audit Office (NAO) report says.
The MyCSP chief executive tells Michael Klimes about the challenges of bringing its administration in-house which led to pensioners not being paid on time
The Pensions Ombudsman (PO) has sided with members of the Police Pension Scheme who were hit by a tax penalty when they returned to work after retiring.
Christian Rogers has been made a member of the executive management team at MyCSP and will be responsible for boosting pension administration.
Premier has adopted the web based platform PFaroe designed by RiskFirst to allow trustees and sponsors to get real time data on their schemes.
Big data is changing the way many industries operate, Michael Klimes asks if it can do the same for pensions
The arrival of robo-advice into the pensions industry is "imminent" according to Capita Employee Benefits chief data scientist Eric Tyree.
Towers Watson has appointed Stuart Reid as business development and sales lead for its master trust, LifeSight.