BT is seeking to switch indexation for the final section of its scheme in order to stem a ballooning deficit.
A report commissioned by Sky sets out ways to separate Openreach from BT Group without putting pension scheme members at risk, following the telecoms giant's warnings.
BT Pension Scheme (BTPS) has pulled its inflation-linked bond mandate from Hermes Investment Management, cutting assets under management (AUM) at the business - which it still owns - by more than a quarter.
BT has lost its fight to hold onto a partial exemption from paying the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) levy.
Jack Jones looks at the implications of a record-breaking exercise
Scottish Power's £2bn longevity swap is the latest in a string of transactions. But where does it feature on the top ten?
The British Telecom (BT) Pension Scheme has begun a two-year long tender process as it reviews its current administration provider, PP can reveal.
BT Pension Scheme and the Greater Manchester Pension Fund has appointed construction firm Carillion to begin development of One St Peter's Square based in Manchester city centre.