Michael Bow discusses the BA trustee dispute
Johnson Matthey has slashed its pension scheme deficit by more than 60% after accelerating its recovery plan to benefit from favourable tax conditions.
UK - Hermes Real Estate Investment Managers Limited and LaSalle Investment Management have sold a £141.5m office block in the City of London to Invesco Real Estate.
BT Pension Scheme is set to pour £100m into a custom-built carbon efficient tracker index fund developed by Legal & General Investment Management.
Fears over pensions loophole; Pensions dilemma in saving companies; BT off the hook until next year over £3.2bn pension deficit; BT investors hope for payout after pension cut
BT enjoys revival as profits leap 71%; US sales boost the Prudential after Indian downturn; NHS will collapse without reform warns Saga
The Pensions Regulator has placed its review of the BT Pension Scheme funding valuation and recovery plan on hold.
BT has paid £505m cash into its pension scheme nine months earlier than scheduled under its deficit reduction plan.