The trustee of the Britvic Northern Ireland pension plan has appointed Buck Consultants to provide complete pension services.
Atkin has announced the appointment of Lucy Ledger as its scheme actuary and client manager.
Leading industry figures have called for the industry to consider a code of conduct for third party evaluators.
The third annual Kim Gubler Consulting Actuarial Fee Survey has shown larger schemes are benefiting significantly from economies of scale.
Taha Lokhandwala looks at the latest actuarial fee survey from Kim Gubler Consulting
The Actuarial Profession had announced the launch of the Actuarial Research Centre which aims to sponsor PhD students.
The Actuarial Profession has made "significant progress" in improving the way in which it regulates its members' activities, says the body set up to oversee it.
The Actuarial Profession has revised its guidance on how actuaries should manage conflicts of interest when advice is provided to both trustees and sponsorting employers.
The Actuarial Profession's Continuous Mortality Investigation suggests schemes must hold 10% more assets per pound of benefit promised for managers than for lower paid employees, Mercer says.
Trustees have been warned to keep a close eye on longevity assumptions as improvements to mortality rates resulted in 20,000 fewer deaths than expected last year in England and Wales.