If you are involved in the running of a pension scheme, you may be familiar with what a bulk annuity is, or what a longevity swap involves. But are you aware of the new risk transfer products that have entered the market recently?
Recent activity means you will have heard more about Superfunds, Capital Backed Journey Plans or partial insurance, or perhaps organisations such as Clara, The Pensions SuperFund or Portunes, as well as new solutions offered by existing providers, such as Legal & General. But what are these products? And, more importantly, is one of these appropriate for your pension scheme?
Read on to find out about the new de-risking options available, who offers these services, and ways to identify if these may be a suitable alternative risk transfer solution for your scheme.
Superfunds are defined benefit (DB) pension schemes that accept bulk transfers of assets and liabilities from other DB schemes. The link between the scheme and its original corporate sponsor is severed, and support is instead provided via a capital buffer from the superfund's investors.
There are currently two providers - Clara-Pensions, which passed the Pensions Regulator's (TPR) assessment in November 2021, and The Pension SuperFund, which is in the process of being assessed.
What are the benefits?
What are the limitations?
Are superfunds right for you?
Complete our short interactive checklist to see if superfunds might be a viable option for your scheme.
Capital Backed Journey Plans (CBJPs)
CBJPs involve a third-party providing a capital buffer. This provides risk protection to support your scheme's journey to a pre-agreed funding target, using a pre-agreed investment strategy.
If the CBJP goes to plan, the provider expects to have its capital buffer returned along with a share of the returns in excess of the funding target.
If the funding target is not met, the capital buffer is used to top-up the scheme to the target. The funding target is typically buyout, but some providers offer flexibility to target superfund funding, technical provisions etc.
The term of the product varies significantly by provider (from 5 to 20+ years) as does the buffer amount provided (from around 5 per cent to 30 per cent of liabilities). There are several providers, including Aspinall's Portunes, Legal and General's Insured Self-Sufficiency and Punter Southall's Pension Safeguard Solution.
What are the benefits?
What are the limitations?
As well as Superfunds and CBJPs, there are also partial insurance solutions. Legal & General's Assured Payment Policy offers insurance protection against a scheme's investment and inflation risks, by providing the scheme with a set of agreed monthly cashflows in exchange for a one-off premium.
The wide range of solutions available can be overwhelming for many trustees and companies. The fact that such a range exists, and the extent of flexibility within each solution, means you are now able to target and eliminate the risks that are most important to your specific circumstance. A well-developed strategy will prioritise your reduction of risks and consider the full range of options to manage them.
For further information about alternative risk transfer options, please speak to your usual Aon contact or email [email protected]

This post is funded by Aon