Inflation expectations are currently high and, as they have been this way for a while, it might be tempting to think this is beyond a temporary spike. However, Van Lanschot Kempen does not think that we are on the eve of a period of prolonged high inflation.
Nevertheless, inflation will always be a consideration for investors, and we think it is wise for investors to seek protection against inflation. This can be done by investing in real assets such as real estate, infrastructure and agricultural land.
In this podcast Joost van Leenders, Investment Strategist at Van Lanschot Kempen, gives his view on the development of inflation and the expectations for 2022. Egbert Nijmeijer, Co-Head of Real Assets at Van Lanschot Kempen and manager of its real estate funds, explains what real assets are, discusses the latest developments, and explains how they offer protection against inflation and how investors can use them in their portfolio.
The host is Alastair Greenlees, Investment Strategist at Van Lanschot Kempen's London office.
This post was funded by Kempen