Paul Maynard. Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0). Parliament.uk
The newly appointed pensions minister Paul Maynard has been confirmed as a keynote speaker at this Professional Pensions Investment Conference, which is being held next Thursday (23 November).
Maynard was appointed as pensions minister this week following Laura Trott's promotion to the role of Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
The PP Investment Conference is being held the day after the Autumn Statement at the Bloomsbury Hotel in London.
Places at the event are limited and are free for trustees and in-house pension and benefit scheme representatives.
The conference will also include a keynote session with City veteran and (g+)economics chief economist Lena Komileva.
The conference will also include a panel session on conquering market volatility in a dynamic pensions landscape with BESTrustees' Alan Pickering, The Pensions Regulator's Brendan Walshe and the Pensions Administration Standards Association's Kim Gubler.
It will also include sessions on private markets and the future of defined contribution investment.
For more information about the PP Investment Conference, and to register for your place, visit: https://event.professionalpensions.com/investmentconference/en/page/home