PP Rising Star Awards 2020: Full nominee list revealed!

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Here it is… The list of all the individuals and organisations that have been nominated for the second annual PP Rising Star Awards.

Professional Pensions launched the Rising Star Awards to celebrate the emerging talent in pensions - recognising and identifying the sector's future leaders as well as shining the spotlight on the organisations and individuals that are helping to develop and foster new talent in the industry.

Over the past months, we have invited nominations from across the industry - a process that closed at the end of last month.

Congratulations to all the individuals and organisations that have been nominated.

The nominees are as follows...

Organisational Categories:

Aon; Barnett Waddingham; Buck; CMS; Fidelity International; Hymans Robertson; LCP; RSM; Squire Patton Boggs; The Mercer Academy.

Team of the Year:

20-20 Trustees Trustee Team; Aon Member Options Team; Aon Risk Settlement Group; Barnett Waddingham Team SecondMent; British Airways Pensions Trustee Services Team; Capita Teachers Pensions Engagement Team; CMS Pensions Team; Ensors Accountants Pensions Team; Hymans Robertson DC Consulting Team; Hymans Robertson Pensions Accounts Team; Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Policy and Public Affairs Team; ITM Marketing Team; KPMG London Trustee Services Team; KPMG Reading Investment Team; LCP BT Support Team; LCP Winchester Investment Team; Lincoln Pensions Insurer Counterparty Assessment Team; Moneybox; Penfold; Pension Protection Fund IT and Systems Architecture Team; Pension Protection Fund Member Services Contact Centre; Pension Protection Fund Resolutions Team; Pensions Management Institute; Pinsent Masons DC Team; Pinsent Masons Pensions Team; PSG SIPP; PwC DC Master Trust Advisory Team; Quietroom Writing Team; Redington Investment Consulting Team; Rothesay Life New Business Underwriting Team; Royal Mail Pension Plan Investment Team; RSM Pensions Group; Smart Pension UX Team; Standard Life Vulnerable Customer Team; The Pension Solutions Group; XPS Administration Perth Team 1; XPS Administration Project Team; XPS Administration Reading Team 1; XPS Leeds Actuarial Team.

Mentor of the Year:

Alex Noble (Redington); Andrew Hood (XPS Administration); Andy Guthrie (Aon); Andy Staddon (Buck); Azka Ali (Mercer); Benjamin Amenya (XPS Pensions); Carlos Bertoa- Mendes (XPS Pensions); Daniel Gerring (Travers Smith); David Clare (Barnett Waddingham); David Hutchings (Hymans Robertson); Edward Symes (LCP); Fiona Holden (Pension Protection Fund); Henrieta Oxlade (Radcliffe & Newlands); Jacqueline Hill (Pension Protection Fund); James Farrell (XPS Pensions); Joanne Dennis (Pension Protection Fund); John Hardern (Aon); Julie Norman (Pension Protection Fund); Katie Peto (LCP); Kelly Hurren (Aon); Laura Amin (KPMG); Lee Bacon (Concert Consulting); Lisa Whitby (XPS Pensions); Lorraine Russell (XPS Pensions); Marc Mulligan (Pension Protection Fund); Mark Kowalik (CMS); Mark McNulty (Mercer); Matthew Jones (Aon); Michelle Lee (Mercer); Miriam Kimber (Pension Protection Fund); Nick Pourak (F&L Financial Services); Paul Hamilton (Barnett Waddingham); Paul Hubbold (Barnett Waddingham); Richard Farr (Lincoln Pensions); Richard Rabin (Aon); Ros Caffrey (XPS Pensions); Steve Hitchiner (Barnett Waddingham); Steve Webster (MJ Hudson Allenbridge); Tom Pook (Mercer); Vic Snowden (LCP); Will Platt (LCP).

All other categories:

Abbas Nazerali (Aon); Abdul Basith (Just); Alasdair Smith (Linklaters); Alastair Greenlees (Kempen Capital Management); Alex Clay (PwC); Alex Lindenberg (Redington); Alex Little (Pension Protection Fund); Alex Stobbart (Aon); Alex Toney (Barnett Waddingham); Alex Wood (Buck); Alyshia Harrington-Clark (PLSA); Amanda Ashmore (BNP Paribas Asset Management); Amy Fawcett (Zatori); Andre Kerr (XPS Pensions); Andrew Lewis (Travers Smith); Andrew Murphy (Mercer); Andrey Kuznetsov (Hermes Investment Management); Anna Copestake (Arc Pensions Law); Anna Darnley (Smart Pension); Anna Tomlinson (Squire Patton Boggs); Arisha Patel (Barnett Waddingham); Ashleigh Harwood (Mercer); Ben Clacker (Barnett Waddingham); Ben Gates (MJ Hudson Allenbridge); Ben Rogers (XPS Pensions); Benjamin Amenya (XPS Pensions); Beth Noone (Barnett Waddingham); Billie Jo Clark (Redington); Brad Crompton (Buck); British Airways Pensions Trustee Services Team (British Airways Pensions); Callum Stewart (Hymans Robertson LLP); Cameron Fairweather (XPS Pensions); Caroline Escott (PLSA); Caroline Hopper (Quietroom); Cassandra Pappas (Mercer); Ceri Thomas (Smart Pension); Charlie Forster (Buck); Charlie Mortimer (Moneybox); Charlotte Mawson (Hymans Robertson); Chintan Gandhi (Aon); Chris Austin (Mercer); Chris Eyett (NextGen); Chris Harper (Squire Patton Boggs (UK) LLP); Chris Hodgson (XPS Pensions); Chris Perry (PSG SIPP); Chris Scott (Mercer); Chris Widdison (Travers Smith); Cleo Taylor (Rothesay Life); Craig Ritchie (Hymans Robertson); Curtis Mitchell (Punter Southall Governance Services); Dan Mikulskis (LCP); Dan Shaw (Buck); Dan Taylor (Church of England Pensions Board); Dan Wooder (Barnett Waddingham); Daniel Riddaway (Charles Stanley Asset Management); David Govier (LCP); David Wrigley (LCP); Dzung Bale (British American Tobacco); Emily Bate (Quietroom); Emily Rowley (Sackers); Emma Rubenstein (Pension Protection Fund); Emma Singh (USS Investment Management); Fahad Badar (Mercer); Fan Jia (PwC); Felicity Rich (Eversheds Sutherland); Felix Weston (Squire Patton Boggs); Francesca Bailey (LCP); Francesca McSloy (State Street Global Advisors); Geoff Bauer (Mercer); George Currie (PLSA); George Walles (XPS Pensions); Hannah Coleman (Mercer); Hannah Cook (Aon); Haroon Hussain (Smart Pension); Harry Wilkens (Mercer); Heather Allingham (Hymans Robertson); Helen Ross (XPS Pensions); Henrieta Oxlade (Radcliffe & Newlands); Holly Copley (British Airways Pensions); Honor Fell (Redington); Hugo Gravell (Barnett Waddingham); Humphrey Galbraith (Willis Towers Watson); Ian Andrews (SITA); Ian Burke (Trafalgar House); Imran Hussain (Barnett Waddingham); Jack Sullivan (LCP); Jacob Bowman (KPMG); Jacob Rubin (Mercer); Jacqueline Hill (Pension Protection Fund); James Chandler (XPS Pensions); James Pryor (Capita); Jamie Harding (LCP); Jamie MacKenzie (EY); Jason Beach (XPS Pensions); Jaspal Bains (ReAssure); Jean-Marc Zoghbi (Mercer); Jenny Copeman (PwC); Joanna Woods (First State Investments); Joanne Dennis (Pension Protection Fund); Joe Craig (Quietroom); Joe Hill (Aon); Joe Thomas (Gresham House); Johanna Clarke (CMS); Johanna Nelson (PS Aspire); John Bacon (Barnett Waddingham); Jon Forsyth (LCP); Joseph Evans (Redington);Josephine Philpott (Mercer); Josh Spencer (Mercer); Julia Fox (Quietroom); Julia Yates (20-20 Trustees); Jun Nakamaru- Pinder (Willis Towers Watson); Karein Davie (PTL); Karen Sahota (Travers Smith); Karina Resko Kajelova (Smart Pension); Kate Bailey (Squire Patton Boggs); Kate Pestridge (Mercer); Kathryn Papworth-Smith (Quietroom); Katie Peto (LCP); Keira Neale (Buck); Kevser Kilinc (Redington); Kiran Lamb (Roche); Kristian Jones (Barnett Waddingham); Kristina Branum-Burns (USS Investment Management); Krzysztof Lasocki (Royal Mail Pensions Trustees); Kunal Sharma (Barnett Waddingham); Laasya Shekaran (LCP); Laura Amin (KPMG); Laura Briggs (Pension Protection Fund); Laura Cain (Mercer); Laura Finlay (Moneybox); Laura Joyce (Buck); Laura MacPhee (Ferrier Pearce); Laura McLaren (Hymans Robertson); Laura Vaughan (Hermes Investment Management); Lauren Williams (Barnett Waddingham); Lee Jennings (Ensors Accountants); Lee Spithray (DHL); Liam Fitzgerald (Pinsent Masons); Liam Mayne (Barnett Waddingham); Liliana Telo (Mercer); Lily Hallett (Aon); Lorenzo Orfali (LCP); Lucy Betchley (Buck); Lucy Bignell (Barnett Waddingham); Luke Burford (Mercer); Luke Hartley (Lincoln Pensions); Luke Hothersall (LCP); Lushan Sun (Mercer); Madeleine Claridge- Ware (XPS Pensions); Marc Bergen (BT); Marie Mulligan (XPS Administration); Mark Barlow (XPS Pensions); Mark Ormston (Retirement Line); Mark Sharkey (Club Vita); Mary Lambe (Aon); Matt Burrell (ABI); Matt Dodds (ITM); Matt Richards (Pension Insurance Corporation); Matt Smith (Mercer); Matthew Crewe (XPS Pensions); Melissa Horner (Buck); Michael Bushnell (Lincoln Pensions); Michael Callari (Kas Bank); Michael Curtis (Pacifi c Life Re); Michael Yeouart (Winmark); Micheal Curtis (Curtis); Michelle Wright (LCP); Mike Stevens (PwC); Nadeem Ladha (20-20 Trustees); Naomi Dodwell (Barnett Waddingham); Natalie Beardwell (Redington); Naynesh Desai (Growth Partners); Nell McRae (Hymans Robertson); Niamh Hamlyn (Travers Smith); Nick Pourak (F&L Financial Services); Nigel Milward (UNISON); Nikesh Patel (Kempen Capital Management); Nikki Ayriss (LCP); Oli Hook (Mercer); OptEnrol (Forth Commun ications); Owen Davies (Russell Investments); Paige Stacey (KPMG); Paul Butfi eld (Buck); Peter Carver (Hymans Robertson); Peter Daniels (Barnett Waddingham); Peter Sticklee (Pension Protection Fund); Phil Hardingham (Hymans Robertson); Pravi Prakash (National Grid Pension Fund); Ptolemy Archard-Noble (Hermes Investment Management); Rachel Murphy (Mercer); Rachel Trickett (XPS Pensions); Rebecca Bradley (Ferrier Pearce); Rebecca Mason (USS); Rebecca Page (Hymans Robertson); Rebecca Peche (Smart Pension); Rebecca Self (Mercer); Richard Goldring (Smart Pension); Richard J Tomlinson (Local Pensions Partnership Investments); Richard Pedley (Fidelity International); Robin Harries (Quietroom); Rosalind Scott- Douglas (Schroders); Rosanna Wilde (XPS Pensions); Rosie Crowley (Smart Pension); Rosie Fantom (Barnett Waddingham); Ross Breckon (PwC); Russell Wright (Hargreaves Lansdown); Ryan Cox (Aon); Sabrina Francis (PLSA); Sam Dennis (XPS Pensions); Samantha Gould (Now Pensions); Sarah Green (Mercer); Sarah Jones (AHC); Sarah Keighley (XPS Pensions); Sarah Parkin (Linklaters); Sarah Vanhouse (XPS Pensions); Sarita Gosrani (XPS Pensions); Scott Foster (CACEIS); Scott Woods (Columbia Threadneedle Invest ments); Sean Garratt (LCP); Shan Abdullah (BT); Shireen Harper (ITM); Simon Evans (CMS); Simon James (Squire Patton Boggs); Sophia Heathcoat (Cardano); Sophie Dapin (Schroders); Sophie Galloway (Buck); Stephanie Williamson (Pension Protection Fund); Stephen Longfellow (Gowling WLG); Stephen O'Neill (Nest); Stephen Palmer (Target Professional Services); Stephen Richards (Stephenson Harwood); Stephen Worthington (USS); Steve Towers (USS Investment Manage ment); Steven Gale (XPS Administration); Steven Hickey (XPS Pensions); Sukhjit Dhillon (London United Busways); Tannaz Rastegar (Pensions Management Institute); Taylor Smith (Trafalgar House); Teachers Pensions Engagement Team (Capita); Tess Page (Mercer); Thibault Jeakings (CMS); Thomas Cosgrove (Pinsent Masons); Thomas Yorath (Aon); Tiffany Tsang (PLSA); Toby Carmichael- Jack (Fish Financial); Tom Barton (Pinsent Masons); Tom Binks (Schroders); Tom Corten (XPS Pensions); Tom McNaughton (Baker McKenzie); Tom Noall (Mercer); Tom Pook (Mercer); Tom Porter (LCP); Tom Selby (AJ Bell); Trevor Lin (Mercer); Vic Snowden (LCP); Victoria Jeacock (Squire Patton Boggs); Victoria Rolfe (Hymans Robertson); Vishal Makkar (Buck); Vivek Roy (AXA IM); Will Harris (Mercer); William Lalande (USS IM); Yasmin Ben-Yousef (Mercer); Yavor Georgiev (Pension Protection Fund).

What happens next?

Now that nominations have been received, nominees will be contacted and forwarded a list of questions that they will be required to complete in order to progress to the fi rst round of judging.

A shortlist will then be created from which an expert panel of judges will decide the winners in each category.

Judges will take into account:

  • achievements in the workplace/role;
  • challenges faced;
  • evidence of contributions to support and inspire those beginning their career in pensions; and
  • overall quality of submissions.

Further information

For further information about the Rising Star Awards - and to view the full list of categories as well as the award criteria - visit our website: https://event.professionalpensions.com/risingstarawards

Should you have any queries with regards to the awards, contact awards co-ordinator Ellie Harris at [email protected].

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