PP DC Conference 2015 - Former M15 head confirmed as keynote


Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller - the former head of Britain's Security Service (MI5) - has been confirmed as a keynote speaker at Professional Pensions' DC conference to be held in London on 9 September.

Manningham-Buller - who led MI5 though substantial change in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the increased threat posed by Al-Qaeda - will draw on her experiences in the most demanding of environments to stress the need for leaders in any walk of life to engage in frank dialogue and invite appropriate criticism.

The free-to-attend PP Defined Contribution Conference will focus on the impact of the 2014 and 2015 budget changes and the host of recent pension reforms, looking in detail at what these changes mean in practice.

Other keynote speakers at the conference include Andrew Warwick-Thompson, the executive director of DC and public service pensions at The Pensions Regulator, who will look at new legislation, flesh out the charge cap and new governance rules and talk about the review of policy on 2017.

Topics covered at the conferences will also include an update on DB to DC transfers, DC investment design, member communication, governance and financial education.

Professional Pensions is also holding a DC conference in Birmingham on 16 September.


To view the programmes for the conferences - and reserve your place - visit our dedicated website: http://events.professionalpensions.com/dcconference/static/home

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