PP App: Latest issue now available


The latest weekly edition of Professional Pensions is now available on the PP App, which is completely FREE to all subscribers. Find out how to download it here.

The app is currently available on the iPad and iPhone, but an optimised touch site can be accessed HERE for Android device users.


Downloading and using the app

1. Make sure you're already a Professional Pensions subscriber. If not you can register HERE for free.

2. Download the app from the Appstore by clicking HERE or searching 'Professional Pensions App' in the App Store.

3. Open the app from the Apple Newsstand.

4. Log in with your Professional Pensions details. If you have forgotten your password, click HERE for help


Frequently asked questions

Is the Professional Pensions app free?

The app is free for all Professional Pensions subscribers.
If you would like to subscribe to Professional Pensions and receive free access to the app alongside your subscription, click here.

I am being told I need to pay £399 to use the app - do I need to pay?

The app is free for all Professional Pensions subscribers but you will need to log-on using your Professional Pensions username and password.

If you have forgotten your password, click here. If you receive the magazine and don't have log-in details, contact us on +44 (0) 845 155 1846 or +44 (0) 1858 438 427 or via email at [email protected].

If you don't have a subscription to PP, click here to subscribe.

I already subscribe to Professional Pensions, is the app included in my subscription?

Yes it is. You simply need to visit the app store to download it. If you are Professional Pensions user, your login details for the app will be the same as the ones you use on the website.

But I don't have a username / password for www.professionalpensions.com

If you currently receive the magazine, you are entitled to access the website and app as part of your package of benefits.

If you have forgotten your password, click here. If you receive the magazine and don't have log-in details, contact us on +44 (0) 845 155 1846 or +44 (0) 1858 438 427 or via email at [email protected].

If you don't have a subscription to PP, click here to subscribe.

My company has a Corporate Subscription with automatic access to professionalpensions.com - we don't have usernames and passwords. How will I access the app?

This is not a problem - we can set you up with your own username and password. Simply contact us on 0845 155 1846 or 01858 438 427 or via email at [email protected].

Will I only get the latest edition of Professional Pensions or will I keep all the back issues I've downloaded?

You'll keep every issue you download, building up a Professional Pensions library of editions you can access at any time.

Where can I subscribe and get the app for free?

You can subscribe directly on the Professional Pensions website - click here to do so.

Does the app edition contain everything the print magazine contains?

Yes, each week Professionsal Pensions will be reformatted to make the most of iPad functionality while retaining its familiar feel. It will contain all the articles, charts and images from each week's print edition.

Once I have finished with an issue, how do I delete it from my iPad to save space?

Simply go to the issues screen and tap on the 'library' tab. Then select 'edit' and you can delete any issues from the screen.

Problems with links and downloads?

Double check you have an active internet connection (either Wi-Fi or 3G) and ensure you have the latest operating system (iOS 5) installed. It is likely that this could be affecting the performance of your device - you can download the latest version from iTunes.

Alternatively, if you are running off the latest software try uninstalling the app and re-installing it, or deleting the issue and attempting to download again. You could also try closing all other apps as they may be slowing the performance of your iPad.

If you are still experiencing problems email us at [email protected] and describe the location of the broken link or download problem (or quote the text, issue and page number if featured in the magazine).

I'm still having problems

If you have a comment or suggestion about the Professional Pensions ipad app, or a query that isn't covered in the frequently asked questions above, please email [email protected].

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