Fiduciary management spotlight

In association with Schroders


In an increasingly complex world where resource is often limited, pension scheme trustees and sponsors need to focus on what matters most: securing members' benefits through a clearly defined funding plan.

Fiduciary management is a governance solution through which trustees delegate the day-to-day implementation of their investment strategy. By delegating the details of the investment strategy, trustees gain the benefits of an expert whose sole occupation is to concentrate on investment. By having clearly defined roles and responsibilities, trustees can ensure that they remain in control of the key decisions that affect the future of their pension scheme.

Pension scheme investing can seem complicated, but we believe there are three simple elements for success: establishing a plan, effective management of your liability risks and growing your assets over time. Schroders believe that having the fiduciary manager, the oversight of the growth portfolio and the management of the liability portfolio all under one roof provides a unique and flexible investment platform from which to tackle the pensions equation you face.


Watch the video below to see Schroders' fiduciary management proposition






