Government says consolidating the LGPS into a version of Canada’s Maple 8 could boost investment and tackle waste
Hymans report reveals funding levels have grown to 99% from 81% five years ago
Brightwell will provide a complete administration service to the scheme
Smart says membership of project signifies commitment to make progress on DEI
Hal Peckett from Swansea University receives 2024 Quantum Advisory Prize for mathematics excellence
Judges have carefully selected the most impressive nominees for this year’s accolades
Scheme’s 2023 valuation reveals deficit fell from £1,560m to £690m as at September 2023
VfM consultation, chancellor urges schemes to invest more and TPT selects master trust partners
Policy Exchange paper suggests regulations have ‘narrow’ focus on costs and safety
Harriet Burchett asks how we can make pensions an industry people aspire to join