K3 Advisory and Cartwright support deal with large proportion of deferred members
James Phillips writes about how pensions has changed since he joined PP in June 2016
Second deal for two-section scheme sees all members’ benefits now insured
Gains on bonds and equities could help schemes cut their s179 levy in half
DB and DC assets in developed market equities will be shifted towards low-carbon pioneers
£3.5bn scheme will vote against chairs where they are not committed to improving safety
Approach following landmark ruling for PPF leaves FAS members as ‘second-class citizens’
Deferred-heavy deal completed at the end of 2021 in midst of ‘intense market’ conditions
Around 1,200 members were covered by the deal, with 80% of scheme now insured
Despite subdued market 2021 also expected to be third busiest year after H2 stampede