The British Chambers of Commerce has aired concerns about auto-enrolment, claiming it places pressure upon smaller and medium sized businesses.
A general lack of investment knowledge poses risks for people saving into defined contribution schemes, BlackRock says.
US - The catalyst for the "flash crash" on 6 May was a single trade by an institutional investor who sold $4.1bn of index futures, according to a new report released by US regulators.
EUROPE - EU proposals that over-the-counter derivatives go through a central clearing counterparty could significantly increase costs for schemes.
EU proposals that over-the-counter derivatives go through a central clearing counterparty could significantly increase costs for schemes.
Aegon's announcement that it is winding up its third-party administration business is "not a surprise" as the market heads towards further consolidation, industry experts say.
There is something of a dichotomy in the third-party administration industry.
Almost 45% of schemes have failed to conduct a review of their member data in the last two years, JLT Benefit Solutions says.
The Identity and Passport Service has now released more than 1 million records as part of its Disclosure of Death Registration Information Service.
Trustees must start giving greater attention to administration fees and assess whether they are paying a disproportionate amount compared to other services, Goddard Perry Consulting says.