ITM and EDM Group have launched a service that aims to help schemes improve their data in order to obtain better de-risking prices.
Pensions minister Steve Webb's proposed cap on workplace pension charges has been delayed by up to a year, sparking demands for an explanation from the Opposition.
The government has proposed to give itself the power to put in place two options to ease the auto-enrolment (AE) qualification process for defined benefit (DB) schemes.
MP Rob Wilson has written to BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten demanding an explanation for the broadcaster's £2bn pension scheme deficit and questioning the stewardship of the scheme trustees.
Rachel Dalton examines Steve Webb’s plan to make annuities more consumer-friendly
Rachel Dalton on Steve Webb's flexible annuity idea
The British Arab Commercial Bank pension scheme trustees have entered the first whole-of-market medically underwritten buy-in with Partnership.
The BBC Pension Scheme trustees have negotiated an extra £365m employer contribution to tackle the fund's £2bn deficit.
This week we want to know if you think, given the regulator's warning, schemes making asset-backed contributions are being irresponsible.
The trustees of GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) pension schemes have hired fiduciary manager Cardano as investment adviser.