The investment companies behind two schemes investigated for pensions liberation misled members in an attempt to bring legal and regulatory action to an end, the Determinations Panel found.
The introduction of the flat-rate state pension will result in 'unintended consequences' for public sector pension schemes, the Local Government Association (LGA) warns.
Naomi Rainey looks at the DWP’s latest defined contribution landscape report
Naomi Rainey looks at the issues around FP14 and IP14 for employers and trustees
Broadstone has signed a deal with Aviva to provide small to medium enterprises (SMEs) with auto-enrolment (AE) advice and plans to expand its AE team.
The Medical Defence Union (MDU) Pension & Life Assurance Scheme has appointed Aon Hewitt to deliver a range of pension services.
Naomi Rainey and Natasha Browne explore how pension funds are bucking the trend
The independent project board (IPB) leading the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) review into legacy defined contribution (DC) schemes may struggle to tackle outdated arrangements, industry figures warn.
An amendment to the Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) regulations could offer ineligible schemes a "last-chance opportunity" to secure funding support.
The individuals behind suspected pension liberation vehicles may be encouraging members to complain to the Pensions Ombudsman (PO) over blocked transfers, experts warn.