Schemes are leading a global charge into hedge funds boosting sector size nearly 260% in the last decade, a global survey by Deutsche Bank reveals.
Pension schemes have flooded £250m into long-dated affordable housing bonds in a further sign of scheme appetite for local housing initiatives.
Fund managers display no greater investment skill investing in businesses from their own industry than those from other sectors, a study finds.
Aiming to lose less on pension scheme asset investments will be more profitable than chasing index-based returns in an era of increasing deleveraging, Newton Investment Management say.
Cost of police pensions rises 80% over 15 years; FSA warns of £20bn pension transfer bill; Surge in complaints against banks over pension, insurance and mortgage deals
Pension schemes have flooded £250m into long dated affordable housing bonds in a further sign of scheme appetite for local housing initiatives.
Interest rate and inflation hedging by pension schemes shot up last quarter as more funds switched between hedging instruments to take advantage of falling inflation.
Aberdeen Asset Management has renamed its £24bn alternatives business as Aberdeen Solutions to better encompass its multi-asset offering.
Charges on a government-backed pooled UK infrastructure vehicle owned and run by UK pension funds will be capped at 0.5%, the Treasury infrastructure policy chief confirms.
Low rates of return on risk- free assets caused by an ongoing supply squeeze will keep equity risk premiums elevated for the next few years, a Barclays Capital study says.