Supermarket property assets outperformed commercial property averages last year with £1.15bn of investment transactions recorded for the 2011, according to IPD.
Pension schemes' accrued liabilities could have different rules from more stringent Solvency II-style capital requirements, a leading EU policy maker has hinted.
Failure to reform EU regulations for UK pension schemes will lead to "inter-generational conflict" over pension provision in future, delegates heard.
European insurance firms are "campaigning" for pension funds' capital requirements to be regulated more like insurers to generate increased business for the insurance sector, a leading MEP says.
Schemes have committed a further £44m to a ground lease fund managed by Pramerica Real Estate Investors as an alternative to index-linked gilts.
Trustee attempts to force The Pensions Regulator to issue further contribution notices against textile manufacturer Desmond & Sons have been struck down, PP can reveal.
Savers should consider topping up their pension pots now in anticipation of further tax relief changes rumoured to be in this year's Budget, a consultant says.
European insurance firms are "campaigning" for pension funds' capital requirements to be regulated more like insurers to generate increased business for the insurance sector, a leading MEP says.
British Airways will tell pensioners this month if it intends to pay "discretionary" increases above CPI inflation after a statutory increase showed just a 40bps difference in prices.