The freedom and choice agenda has shaken up pensions but there are concerns it is increasing inequality. Michael Klimes finds out why
The Chancellor's lifetime ISA (LISA) threatens to obstruct pension saving down the income scale according to Association of Consulting Actuaries chairman David Fairs.
Early state pension access for women affected by the age increase could lead to flexibility for everyone.
As tax relief reductions forces high earners to leave schemes, further reform could severely damage pensions.
Changes to pension tax relief in recent years have already caused schemes to lose members on higher incomes, according to research from the Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA).
ACA chairman David Fairs says any change to tax relief must be well thought out, long-lasting, and encourage people to save
What will the be the major developments for pensions?
The Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) has called for savers to get early access to some of their pension as part of a seven-point plan to boost retirement incomes.
The Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) has called on the main political parties to work together on a "fundamental review of the pension tax framework" after May.
The government should look at how to help small employers boost auto-enrolment (AE) contributions after the general election according to the Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA).