PP DC Conference 2024: Register now!

Our flagship DC event is returning this year on 25 June at etc.venues, St Paul’s in London

Professional Pensions
clock • 1 min read
TPR's Louise Davey will be the closing keynote at this year's PP DC Conference

TPR's Louise Davey will be the closing keynote at this year's PP DC Conference

Professional Pensions’ Defined Contribution Conference – our flagship DC event – is returning this year on Tuesday 25 June at etc.venues, St Paul’s in London.

PP's DC Conference is a must-attend event for anyone looking to update their knowledge in the fast-changing world of DC pensions. Places are free for trustees and in-house pension and benefit scheme representatives.

Keynote speakers at the conference will include The Pensions Regulator's interim director of regulatory policy, analysis and advice Louise Davey, who will be giving an update from the regulator, as well as Thinks Insight & Strategy founder Max Mawby, who will be presenting a behavioural science view on personalised guidance.

The conference will also include a range of sessions covering topics such as deculmulation, DC investment, master trust consolidation, and value for money.

Register now to enable us to keep you informed with updates, including speaker and programme announcements over the coming months.

To find out more and to register for your place, visit: https://event.professionalpensions.com/dcconference

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