More women are ‘contributing less’ to DC pots, with men having pots double the size
Asset-backed securities are often a misunderstood asset class, despite having many compelling characteristics including a potential return premium and a defensive capital structure. These, in our view, make them well-suited as a tool for inclusion in...
Chancellor unveils ‘biggest pension reforms in decades’
A 2024 survey carried out by Legal & General shows that DC contributors have a generally very positive attitude to private markets investing.
Many DC providers now offer alternative investments, promising diversification away from traditional markets. Can they all deliver?
How the Long-Term Asset Fund (LTAF) is reshaping private market investments for DC pension schemes
Report comes 20 years after Pensions Commission
We believe using direct contribution (DC) pension fund investments to help tackle the UK’s housing shortage could be the way to the hearts of retirement savers when it comes to helping them understand – and maybe even embrace – the concept of looking...
Consultancy considers whether it is better to replace DC rather than to repair it