West Midlands Pension Fund has appointed Lothian Pension Fund head Geik Drever to succeed Brian Bailey as its next director of pensions.
Merseyside Pension Fund has launched a dedicated website for Local Government Pension Scheme members to educate and engage them on plans for a new career average scheme.
Local authority pension funds should start "dipping their toe" into social investment projects and allocating small portions of their portfolios to the asset class, delegates heard.
Cabinet ministers are urgently reviewing proposals to merge the Local Government Pension Scheme into a single superfund to improve its governance structures, Professional Pensions understands.
Executive pensions are "corrosive" to the UK economy and reflect a "deep malaise" at the top of British society, a landmark report says.
West Midlands Pension Fund has acquired more central London office space after buying St Andrew's House in conjunction with ING Real Estate Investment Management for £25.2m.
UK - Brian Bailey, director of pensions at the £7.7bn ($12bn) West Midlands Pension Fund, has announced his retirement after 40 years' service with Wolverhampton City Council.
West Midlands Pension Fund director of pensions Brian Bailey has announced his retirement after 40 years' service with Wolverhampton City Council.
Birmingham City Council has disclosed a defined benefit scheme deficit of £1.4bn in its latest set of accounts.
Canvasses industry views on the advantages offered by ETFs, and finds the diversity of opinions belies its reputation as a potential ‘harbinger of fiscal doom'