Trustees and sponsor companies should look at the company's defined benefit scheme as if it were a subsidiary of the sponsor company, delegates heard.
EMERGING MARKETS - Emerging markets equities, debt and currency are the asset classes most likely to benefit from the long-term growth prospects of emerging economies, one consultant said.
Emerging markets equities, debt and currency are the asset classes most likely to benefit from the long-term growth prospects of emerging economies, a consultant says.
Emma Dunkley looks at how quant strategies have performed since the beginning of the sub-prime crisis, and considers how they are set to develop
Public sector pensions have recorded a surge in membership while numbers in private sector defined benefit schemes has declined, Office for National Statistics data shows.
US - Legislators have introduced a bill to provide funding relief of up to 15 years for single-employer pension funds and up to 30 years for multi-employer plans.
GLOBAL - The take up of infrastructure by institutional investors is being compromised by high fees, Watson Wyatt said.
The take up of infrastructure by institutional investors is being compromised by high fees, Watson Wyatt says.
With defined contribution (DC) rapidly becoming the dominant pensions model across the globe, Richard Lowe assesses whether it really is more desirable than defined benefit (DB)
The evolution of the defined contribution market was the subject of a recent roundtable hosted by DC World editor Helen Morrissey