The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) will carry out a new actuarial valuation of its funding position, as at March 2018.
An industry group has been launched to implement, promote and encourage the use of five cost disclosure templates developed earlier this year.
The 100 largest global pension funds are widely ignoring climate-related risks despite recent warnings by UN scientists, the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) says.
The Universities Superannuation scheme (USS), Railways Pension Scheme (RPS), and Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS) are "at risk of breaching their fiduciary responsibilities", according to an Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) report.
The UK's 5,588 defined benefit (DB) schemes had a combined surplus of £382bn at the end of June, according to First Actuarial's best estimate index (FABI).
This week's top stories include House of Fraser's defined benefit scheme becoming 'kingmaker' in the retailer's restructuring plans, and the need for a pool of 'super trustees' at The Pensions Regulator.
Universities UK (UUK) has appointed Ronnie Bowie, Sally Bridgeland and Chris Curry to the Universities Superannuation Scheme's (USS) joint expert panel, to examine the valuation of the USS.
University College Union (UCU) and Universities UK have appointed Joanne Segars to chair the joint expert panel to examine the valuation of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS).
Just over half (52%) of Unison members voted to accept a pledge to keep defined benefit provision in the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) until at least April 2019 in an "above-average" turn-out.
In this week's Pensions Buzz survey, we want to know whether members or employers should bear more of the cost if contributions are raised in the Universities Superannuation Scheme if it remains open to future accrual.