The United Nations' Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) has started enforcing mandatory fees, but will signatories pay? Helen Fowler finds out
A university employer group has hit back at unions for taking strike action today over planned changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme.
University staff have voted to strike later this month over changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme, the University and College Union says.
Sebastian Cheek talks to Tony Broccardo, chief investment officer of the Barclays UK Retirement Fund, about the success of its Oak Pensions Asset Management spin-off
Trustees of the Universities Superannuation Scheme are expected to amend disputed proposals to change the scheme's pension structure when they meet today, PP understands.
Unions are threatening a "major industrial dispute" if planned changes to the Universities Superannuation scheme go ahead.
Investment staff at the Universities Superannuation Scheme shared bonus payments of almost £3m last year, a union claims.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme has appointed Michael Dymond as portfolio manager for its private capital funds team.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme board of trustees has approved employers' proposals for fundamental reform of its benefit structure.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme is set to switch to a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) structure following a meeting of the Joint Negotiating Committee yesterday.