More than 90% of scheme managers believe the government is right to back Hutton recommendations on public sector pension reform.
Michael Bow questions public sector pensions policy
Fair Deal policy should be retained for the LGPS to ensure outsourced workers benefit from higher investment returns and cost savings, Greater Manchester Pension Fund says.
The Treasury has agreed to hold separate negotiations with unions on reforms to the Local Government Pension Scheme after acknowledging its funded status made it different to other public sector schemes.
Nearly two-thirds of scheme managers believe the government was right to kick early access proposals into the long grass.
Ending quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve in the US is unlikely to lead to a rapid spike in bond yields, analysts say.
Low-paid to escape pensions blow; Public-sector workers warned: strike, and pensions will suffer; Make no mistake: we will reform public sector pensions; Danny Alexander tells public sector: work longer and get less; Public sector pensions: Work longer...
Government is set to lay out its detailed response to Lord Hutton's reform proposals later today, with contribution hikes set to be limited to workers earning more than £15,000.
The Commons Public Accounts Committee has questioned the validity of Treasury cost projections for public sector scheme changes, saying it did not fully test the impact of its assumptions.
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries president Ronnie Bowie has urged the Treasury to abandon plans to raise local government pension scheme contribution rates, saying members faced an "impossible cost".